Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dog Tired?

Have you ever heard this expression?

It always strikes me as funny, because around here, no one sleeps as well - or as often - as the cat. This is Ty. He is named for Ty Pennington of Extreme Home Makeover, one of our favorite shows. (We don't have TV. Our neighbor tapes it for us!)

The real Ty speaks openly about being a "spaz" - referring to his ADHD. Our Ty, the cat, has a great deal of energy as well, and could also be called a "spaz".
And the energy he has, he spends completely. Then he sleeps. Hard.

I like that about him. There are no energy reserves. No "spare tank." What he has, he gives. And then he's done. It is honest. Whatever an "honest day's work" means - I'd like to think it is that - putting every bit of your energy into the day at hand, holding nothing back. Then you're done.

It's been like that around here lately. When the days get long, and the rains stop for a while...the kids are out of school, then work begins in earnest. It is time to fence, move fences, repair fences, cross-fence, paint fences...and when the fencing is done (is it ever done?) it's time to spruce up the buildings...weed the garden...water...wash the wool...wash the clothes...clean the don't have to look far to find something to do.

You can easily fill a day from sun up to sun down. And when the sun finally goes down, you are tired. Happily, pleasantly, completely spent. Like the cat. And then you sleep. As hard as you worked. And sleep has never felt better. Because you earned it.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will be checking out your farm. It is always neat to find other families out there in America doing what we do!!